Oxford Citizen AI

Experience the ease of accessing public services through simple conversation, secure sharing, and universal accessibility.

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Welcome to Oxfordshire's Conversational AI: Where Every Chat Transforms Public Service

Introducing Oxfordshire's Conversational AI Avatar

A New Dawn in Public Engagement

Oxfordshire Council, in partnership with Hi9, is pioneering a transformative public service approach. Say hello to an AI avatar that listens, understands, and assists, turning your spoken queries into actionable information. This isn't just an advancement in technology; it's a new chapter in how we connect with and serve our community.

Engage with Ease: The Power of Voice

Talk to Technology

Gone are the days of navigating through touchscreens or complex forms. Our AI avatar is here to chat. Whether you're looking for information on local services, council initiatives, or community events, just strike up a conversation. It's intuitive, friendly, and designed with the familiarity of Oxfordshire's charm.

Effortless Information Exchange

QR Code Sharing: Wrap up your chat by scanning a QR code to securely transfer all discussed information to your phone, with privacy and ease at the forefront.
NFC Tap: Embrace the simplicity of technology with a quick tap of your phone, mirroring the ease of contactless interactions in daily life.
Access for All: For those without smartphones, we offer a simple yet innovative card system. Collect information through your conversation with the AI, and receive printed details or digital access tokens, ensuring everyone has equal access to public services.

The Community at Heart

Innovation Meets Inclusion

Our conversational AI is more than a technological marvel; it's a commitment to inclusivity, ensuring every resident of Oxfordshire, regardless of age, tech-savviness, or language proficiency, can access public services in a manner that's both engaging and secure.

Join Us in Shaping the Future

Your Feedback Fuels Our Journey

As we introduce this groundbreaking service, your insights and experiences are invaluable. Share your thoughts and help us refine a service that's truly by the community, for the community.

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Don't miss out on the evolution of Oxfordshire's public services. Subscribe to receive the latest news, community stories, and opportunities to engage with the future of public service, today.

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